Our mulch calculator is very beneficial for measuring out how much mulch is needed for any given job. Most mulch calculators are best used to measure how many cubic yards are needed for a mulch install project. Landscape material dealers measure and sell mulch by the cubic yard so it is important to know how many total cubic yards are needed for an entire project. The worst thing to happen, especially to a professional landscaper, is to have to much or to little mulch. Then you have to make extra trips to get more materials, and trust me that is a pain you don’t want to go through more than once. When choosing the right mulch calculator you need to determine what exactly you are wanting to calculate. Our mulch calculator does so much more than the average mulch calculator on the market.
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Mulch Calculator Benefits
Mulch Calculator Measures for Cubic Yards
Some mulch calculators will only measure the total cubic yards needed for an over all project. Most mulch calculators do not break down the measurement for each individual landscape area. If you have 10 different areas needing different measurements of mulch, it is difficult to try and calculate exactly how much is needed in each area. Our calculators break down the cubic yards needed for each individual area as well as the total project. When purchasing for the entire project, the mulch dealer will need to know how many cubic yards you will need for the entire project. However, if you have several different large areas to spread the mulch over and you are having those large amounts delivered on a dump truck, why not have the measurements dumped near each section? This will save time and hard labor transporting the mulch to each area from one huge pile.
Mulch Calculator Measures for Weight
If you are delivering the mulch yourself you will need to consider the weight of the mulch as well. For example, if you have a single axle 3500 lbs trailer, you will need to know the total weight of the mulch so you don’t over load. Our mulch calculator measures an average weight based on an average moisture level. I recommend having the company you purchase your mulch from deliver to you if the entire project is more than 4 cubic yards.
Mulch Calculator Measures for Wheel Barrow Loads and/or Bags
Our mulch calculator literally measures down to the wheel barrow load. Not only does the calculator measure how many wheel barrow loads are needed for an overall project, but it categorizes each small individual area and estimates how many wheel barrow loads are needed for those given areas. You will need to know how many cubic feet your wheel barrow holds, which it normally says on the wheel barrow (average wheel barrows are 4-6 cubic feet). This is great for large projects where you have multiple workers spreading massive amounts of mulch in multiple areas. Just print out the downloadable calculator in excel and give it to each worker to estimate the appropriate wheel barrow spread.
If you are a home owner and not a professional landscaper you might buy bags of mulch from places like Lowe’s, Home Depot, or my personal favorite Ace Hardware. You will see in the wheel barrow/bag section of the calculator you have the option of entering how many cubic feet of mulch is included in each bag. Each bag when purchased will say how many cubic feet is included, which on average is 2 cubic feet.
Mulch Calculator Estimates Pricing
Our mulch calculator has a section for you to enter the cost per cubic yard so you can figure out how much the mulch will cost you for your total project. Most mulch dealers sell the mulch by the cubic yard or some even a half cubic yard. Also, if you are a professional landscaper you can enter your labor charge per cubic yard as well as delivery and the mulch calculator will calculate that as well. This is especially great for professional landscapers to quickly be able to give a bid for large jobs. I personally use this and the other landscape calculators in my own business. Of course I created all the calculators because I was not satisfied with any other calculators on the market, so I can personally attest that these are very accurate.
Mulch Calculator is a Downloadable Printable Document
All landscape calculators are downloadable to an excel spreadsheet. This means you must make sure you have Microsoft Excel on your computer in order to edit and use. Once you are done calculating you can save your project in excel and print to have out on the job site. This is especially good for landscapers who have multiple workers needing to know how many wheel barrow loads to spread in each given area.
Before You Purchase the Mulch Calculator, Make Sure You Check Out the Landscape Calculator bundle Here. You will Save over $50 by purchasing them all.

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